Record your match history for the Shadowverse digital card game.
Built with Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap, and jQuery.
A job board for startups.
Built using Ruby on Rails with PostgreSQL.
Comprehensive developer profiles.
Built using Ruby on Rails with PostgreSQL.
A lightweight character counter built using JavaScript.
A gift ranking website built using PHP, the Amazon ECS PHP Library, and Bootstrap.
A Ruby on Rails app for finding and posting Starcraft 2 build orders.
Built by a two-person team.
Create and loop custom playlists for YouTube videos.
Built using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB.
Alameda County - Points of Interest (AC POI)
url: | source: github
A jQuery Mobile application that lets Alameda County residents and visitors easily find local points of interest.
It was built during the Alameda County Apps Challenge 2012 and received an honorable mention.
Branch and Merge
url: | source: github
A game built with HTML5 / jQuery where you alternate between branching and merging.
It was built during the GitHub Game Off 2012.